Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 year old fashion

Max is just 4.
He has taught himself how to do MANY things like his letters, writing and spelling his name. He can identify who people are ((Barrack Obabma, Edward Cullen)) by himself ((no one taught him)), and he colors inside the lines VERY well.
One thing we are still working on though, is getting dressed by himself. - If we allow him to dress himself, this is usually the result:

He isn't too bad at picking outfits that actually match and for some reason he gets everything else on the right way, but the pants are always backwards! Usually we end up just letting him wear them that way because its too cute to correct.
Much love,

The Petralias
" small and simple things are great things brought to pass" Alma 37:6

1 comment:

  1. I totally would let him wear them backwards too. :) cute.
