Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Max the Chameleon

I have come to the conclusion that if I were to categorize Max in animated character form, he would be a cross between Curious George, and one of the Lost Boys that lives in Neverland. He is always on the go and always having fun. He is GREAT at getting into mischief, and then melting your heart with his 4year old toothy grin.

One of Max's most FAVORITE things to do is dress up. He gets dressed according to what he wants to do during the day. For instance, if he is going to color, he will get dressed up in his tie dye shirt because its colorful. If he is going to play with his pirate toys, he will put on his pirate shirt, if he is going to play with his hot wheels, he will put on his "race car out fit" (which is a pair of red pants that have a black "racing stripe" down each leg). Its always fun to see what he is wearing in the morning, ((but gets less fun progressively throughout the day as more and more laundry builds up due to Max's ever changing outfits!))

He uses the GINORMOUS dress up box on a daily basis, multiple times throughout the day. And is always thinking up a new character. I am impressed at how much he uses his imagination even for a child, and I enjoy seeing what he comes up with next.

Here are some of his most recent character portrayals:

Strong Man
The Cat in the Hat
Captain Jack Sparrow
Some of his other favorites include: a Jedi Knight (sometimes Yoda, sometimes Obe Won Kenobi), Darth Maul, and Indiana Jones. -- Its fun to play with Jedis, and pirates, cowboys, and Indiana, but at the end of the day, its nice to have Max back too. :)
Much love,

The Petralias
"... by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Alma 37:6

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