Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Mom!!!

We had a great Mother's Day this year. It started off with a delicious breakfast ((thanks dad!))and went completely awesome from there! Hinckley and Maxwell got mom some goldfish ((one named Bruce and the other name Cutie)) and they were SO excited about them!

The goldfish are now sitting next to the frogs. Both in seperate tanks mind you, but at least they can look at each other. :)
The rest of the day, we just spent together having fun and enjoying each other's company.

* * *

I am so grateful to have a mother in my life. I know so many people who don't and it has made me that much more grateful for my mom and the woman she is. My mom is one of the most incredible people I know and I am amazed at how much she knows! She is insightful and gentle and always has great advice for when I'm struggling. She may seem shy to those that don't know her well, but really she is just a big goofball which I love! We never have a dull moment with each other and I love spending time with her. My mom listens to what I have to say and helps me through my hard times. She has been there for me through literally EVERYTHING and has always known just what to say to make my aching heart mend. - There was a time when we did not get along. I don't think I appreciated her enough. Now I cannot imagine a life without her. She is my rock. My reason to move on. I depend on her for so much and she delivers exactly to my satisfaction. - My mother has an amazing spirit about her. She is incredibly intuitive and loves our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father with all her heart. If I ever have a question about anything in life, she knows how to answer it and tie it in with the gospel too. My mom is my best friend. She knows everything about me and still loves me just the same!

Mom, I love you. Thanks for being you. I hope you dance and I want to be just like you when I grow up.

Much love,

The Petralias
"... by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Alma 37:6

1 comment:

  1. 'Shes incredibly beautiful too. I guess that's where you girls get your good looks :) I love you guys.
