Monday, August 31, 2009

Arnold: The Terminator

On Mother's Day the boys got my mom two goldfish: Bruce and Cutie. Of course, being goldfish they promptly died within the week. After that, not wanting to have an empty fishbowl and 2 very disapointed boys, my mom took a trip to Wal Mart and got some more fish. This time some white ones with black stripes. The boys named these fish Cutie II and Arnold.

Now Cutie II and Arnold did last longer than the goldfish, but Cutie II still didn't live long either. Although Arnold held on, mom thought it best to get him a friend. - In her 2nd trip to Wal Mart to invest in yet ANOTHER fish, my mom decided to do some research on the species of fish she had been choosing and found out they prefer to live in groups of 5 or more. So she bought 4 more of the cute little things. Now, I can't tell you all the names of those 4 fish, all I can tell you is this: its been a month and the only one alive is... Arnold.

Mom has come to the conclusion that Arnold is living up to his name and "terminating" all the other fish. He's made it obvious he prefers to live alone and so, afraid for other innocent fishes lives, we have stopped buying friends for Arnold.

Much love,

The Petralias
"... by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Alma 37:6

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