Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Maxwell church experience.

My parents went to Alaska for a few days and I came to babysit. Part of their trip landed on a Sunday. LUCKY ME!!! Now because Max is 4 and doesn't quite understand the whole meaning of Sunday, he has a real struggle with them. I'm not sure why I thought this last Sunday would be any different. Although Max woke up happy as a clam, merrily ate his breakfast, and obliged to get in the tub he soon figured out what was going on. As soon as I started putting him in his Sunday clothes he decided to pitch a fit. He declared that he was not going to church and that sundays and church were dumb. Of course I just ignored him and continued getting him ready.
When we were walking out the door to get in the car, Max asked if he could bring toys, to which I told him no but that they would be waiting for him when he got back.
He cried the whole way to church.
Once inside he refused to sit by me and gave me the "you'll be sorry look" and wouldn't even take the drawing paper I brought for him!
Finally he decided that sitting quietly was too much to handle no matter how mad at me he was, so he took the paper and began drawing but then realized his drawing was devoid of color and asked where the crayons were. I told him there were no crayons and, you guessed it, he got upset again. Luckily he didn't cry he just refused to draw anymore.
Later on, Max finally forgave me and was sitting on my lap. He was facing me and kept pushing my head to the ceiling so he could pretend to draw on my neck. Well in the middle of this "fun" little game, he found... my black hair. ((Yes. I have a black hair. I'm not proud of it and I pluck it as often as time permits, but I had failed to do so this time around.)) Upon finding my hair, he announced very loudly. "Oh. You're growing a hair right there. You must be a boy." ((over and over and over again!)) Yeah I was a little mortified but I had to take Max out into the foryer as a cover up to my LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF! haha. What a little pill!
I took him out in the hall and told him he needed to shape up. - I debated taking him home, but I knew that's what he wanted so I decided against it. A while later he was acting a little better so I gave him some Smarties which he quitley ate.
When the closing song began, Max ((again very loudly)) said "NO! Not dumb primary now! I don't want to go to dumb primary."

If he wasn't so stinkin' cute, I would have kicked his butt.

Needless to say, we did survive Sunday. But I went straight home and pulled that black hair from my chiney, chin, chin!!!

Much love,

The Petralias
"... by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Alma 37:6

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you need to have Maxwell inspect your chin for black hairs BEFORE you go to church from now on! Ha Ha!
